Tuesday, July 10, 2012


I was in Pittsburgh recently for the coveted aunt-in-residence position, which involves some serious playing, dancing, crafting, kitchen-duty, and some conflict resolution. It is all in a day's work for this hard-working family, and I was so pleased to be a part of it for a little while.

Luca and Camille tried out the whimsical fountains at the spray park. I remember going with Camille, what, two years ago? Then, she was a bit more reserved and watched from afar. These days, she generally dives right in.

Camille and I played with horses and little people. Usually the characters are working out daily-life type situations, like the mom or dad going to work or someone going to the doctor's or on vacation. This time Camille was particularly enjoying the sounds of words, describing how Mary Poppins "slipped her shoes on" and then of course "slipped them off" and perhaps "slipped them on" again. She also "slid" and "slattered" and "flattered." I think the latter meant "flattened," and when I inquired about "slattered," Camille told me it was Spanish for "to go."

Jennalee, Camille, and Luca had a great time making an awesome paper bag puppet.

We visited the wonderful Garden Dreams urban farm in Wilkinsburg and enjoyed seeing so many beautiful herbs, berries, tomatoes, and so on... Camille and Luca especially like the golden raspberries, and seeing a beehive. Camille held back,this time, on sharing her awesome rendition of the bee song and dance that she learned at nature camp. She has an ear for a tune, and a flair for the dramatic! Luca, too, has a musical ear, and treated us to some symphony-worthy bass drum percussion.

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