Thursday, May 24, 2012

in the garden

I have been volunteering once a week in this middle school garden. There is always a lot going on at once: watering the garden (or other kids), harvesting and cooking, painting, potting seedlings, screen-printing, sometimes even planting, weeding, and fertilizing.

Right now in the garden, the fennel is starting to bolt, lettuce is ending, strawberries are fruiting, chard and nasturtiums are thriving. They have the tallest kale plants I've ever seen-- 4 feet perhaps!-- because they survive many growing seasons.

There is a stack of styrofoam trays hanging from the tree to show how much waste is generated in the cafeteria. I think they are moving to a reusable tray system. Yesterday in LA, city council voted to ban plastic bag use at markets!

1 comment:

  1. That looks like paradise! (except for the styrofoam tower)
