Saturday, September 19, 2009

Berlin part 2

A few more images from Berlin:

on our ride through the Tiergarten...

we saw an amazing path (the trees came first)...

and sat with some beers and pretzels, with the late afternoon sun streaming through the trees.

We had one night in Berlin, and made our way to two interesting and relaxing spots-- the first was one of many "beach bars" in the city. The scheme is very simple-- sandy mounds, lights, music, a billiards table (!), brats and beer. Everyone sat on the ground, on wooden pallets or right in the sand, and talked quietly in small groups. It was more like being in a friend's backyard than having a night on the town in a busy metropolis, and I liked it that way.

On the last morning of our stay, I walked through Tascheles, an art space in a formerly abandoned warehouse, famous as a surviving example of the artist squat culture that arose after wall fell.

I was struck by how this eclectic, decaying building and its culture was quite central and visible, and welcoming to all-- not at all secret or peripheral as I imagine it would be in the States. Julie thought that this practice of re-using abandonded spaces might be more "normal" in an old (post-war) urban fabric, where it is not as easy to build entirely fresh...

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